Michael Jackson’s Moonwalker – Michael Jackson, David Newman, Jerry Kramer, and Colin Chilvers

A Superb Display of Visual and Musical Creativity From The King of Pop

Released in 1988 following the release of his album Bad, Michael Jackson`s Moonwalker is a dazzling Experimental Film that can be multi-describable.

Anthology Film, Experimental Art, Art Tribute, Fantasy Narrative, and Pop/Soul/Rock Opera treasure; a melting pot of the Genius behind classics such as Bad, Smooth Criminal, Speed Demon, Thriller, Billie, Jean, and many others. Not at all a film with a conventional narrative thread, Moonwalker dives into so many directions it works like a roller-coaster. Of Emotions, music, humanity, and beauty at the talent Michael Jackson has offered to the world. An aspect that has stunned moviegoers or purchasers who were expecting a conventional film and instead they saw a mashup of various sequences. And this is why I think one should take this film as an experimental amusement ride. One that shows all the passions and interests of the singer into his art and humanitarian projects, but also for what society likes. Such as Stop Motion, Super Robots, and also Spielberg’s movies, whose art is very present in the form of the Smooth Criminal Fantasy short film.

Indeed, Moonwalker is the platform for three important contributions. Firstly, the short film Speed Demon, which is an Experimental Claymation film where Michael deals over the frenetic presence of paparazzi and two-faced fans ready to exploit him. Taking the form of an anthropomorphic Rabbit called Spike who rides an interchangeable bike/motorcycle/sea-doo/plane and tries to flee the mobs who are chasing him. And I have to say this moment really dazzled me for its clever compositing of Claymation, Michael Jackson’s dance/singing, and also for the excellent music/lyrics the poet composed. Not only that it also has a funny moment between the singer and Clancy Brown performing as a character whose presence I will not reveal. And seeing the film on a 55 inches HD TV screen gave me the exact sensation of those who saw Moonwalker in Cinema. A speed race through the streets of Los Angeles.

As for the second crucial short film in Moonwalker, it is The Smooth Criminal Chapter, which includes a Michael Jackson that deals with a gang of Drug Dealers led by a dangerous militarist drug maker called Mr.Big. A role which Joe Pesci performs really well. In a short film that features kids from Impoverished conditions (people whom Michael has always helped through his humanitarian work) who are targeted by this Drug Ring. Three characters Kelley Parker, Sean Lennon, and Brandon Quintin Adams play really well. And through this short film, we see Michael doing his Smooth Criminal video clip in an abandoned 1930s Bar. A moment that stands among the most amazing video clips Michael Jackson has produced. All of that with a Superb dance choreography Michael organised with Vincent Paterson, a man who would later work with Lars von Trier for Dancer In The Dark.

And as for the rest of that Smooth Criminal chapter, it is a beautiful moment of Fantasy where Michael shows before us a story that I adored. Adventure, dream, magic, and darkness. Stuff I wouldn’t want to reveal much for that story’s twists amazed me. But also moved me to tears for its drama. In sum, a great chapter where Michael and the rest of the cast reveal themselves as excellent actors and Jerry Kramer as an excellent director and David Newman/Michael Jackson as excellent screenwriters.

Of the music, of course Michael Jackson shares his own for the video clips and Anthology moments presented during the film. But there is also another soundtrack; from Bruce Broughton. Who uses great notes for the narrative moments of the Speed Demon and Smooth Criminal short films.

About the cinematography, it is interesting how the film employs great names such as Frederick Elmes, who worked with David Lynch on Dune and Blue Velvet, and Robert E Collins, who worked on Octopussy and Superman. Latter which David Newman worked as well as screenwriter.

In sum, Moonwalker is a must to purchase for all fans of Michael Jackson, but also for fans of Experimental Art.

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