The Professor – Wayne Roberts

A beautiful movie that deserves to be seen and Loved

Since the 2000s, people know of Johnny Depp as the actor of many successful Multi-Million releases. Jack Sparrow in Pirates of the Carribean, Grindelwald in Fantastic Beasts, and many great Tim Burton motion pictures. But what many may not have had the chance to watch are the small independent projects he worked on. Such as Dead Man from Jim Jarmusch — a beautiful western as impressive as Heaven’s Gate — and this one.

The Professor. A movie about the terminal Disease that had cursed Richard’s life, who has now only six months left to live before everything tumbles down. So from this revelation, he decides to enjoy the last remaining moments of his life to the fullest. Drinking, sleeping, taking drugs, and teaching unconventional College lessons with the only few students who are ready to learn beyond the conventions of academical codes.

Now in some blockbusters films, their directors would turn this film into a slapstick. With gross, vulgar humour and unsubtle melodrama. But here, the topic and comedy remains down-to-earth, and so is the drama of Richard. Through an excellent camera work — calm and subtle — Wayne Roberts presents to us the story. Keeping it as human grounded as his script. And so are the other actors. All of them great in their roles, very well cast and shining in their most important scenes right till the end. And as a fan of Lars von Trier, I was glad to see Siobhan Fallon Hogan, one of his recurring actresses, being part of this film. Kudos also to Danny Huston, who plays as Peter the best friend of Richard and bears with him the secret of that man’s disease. Making us all wonder as to when and how the truth shall be revealed.

Regarding the technical aspects in The Professor, it is interesting how the film is shot in chapters. Six to be precise. Which I appreciated as it made the story into a novel like structure, like Lars von Trier did in Breaking the Waves. And as for the cinematography/production design, I felt like I was watching an accurate depiction of reality. Where people wear genuine clothes normal people would wear in real life, which is not the case in some American productions as their directors force their actors to wear clothing that nobody would wear in real life; through characters whose weekly budget couldn’t make them afford. So I am really glad that Wayne Roberts respected the realism of his story.

And if there are some visual effects, they occur mostly in the final scene. A beautiful open-ending that makes you wonder what will happen next to Richard. A moment that touched me as much as the Special memory credits given to Betty Sue Depp, Johnny Depp`s Mother who had passed away in 2016.

And in regard to Johnny Depp’s performance, this is where I am so glad he did this role and film. Because it sends a beautiful middle finger to all those media whores who believe that because of his Pirates of Carribean success, Johnny has become a multi-million machine that has forsaken all smaller sized production possibilities. For through The Professor, he shows that he is not and has never been afraid of tackling dramatic and heavy matter storytelling, whatever the kind of salary he obtains. Which some nosy people in Hollywood have been judging a bit too much lately and which I feel is none of their fucking business.

Now of course, the coarse language might be a startle, but I have no problem being blunt considering the shit this man has gone through over the last few years thanks to what his despicable skank-hag ex-wife did to him. Indeed, various reports have appeared in the press, from Johnny Depp and other witnesses who all denounced his ex-wife as an abuser who assaulted him physically and psychologically; while she pretended to the medias, after their divorce, that he mistreated her. Slandering him in such ways that he has had enough and will now sue her for all the lies she said about him in the medias and which some media whores (press and Hollywood opportunists) have exploited. People who, I can assure you, I am boycotting with my whole heart and soul and shall never review their shit wrecks. Whereas for all the people who have stood by Johnny (actors/actresses/directors and over 31 witnesses who will appear in court to expose that witch`s horrors), I thank them for standing by him in this difficult time period.

Again, I am all the more happy to see Johnny doing that film.

Because it sends the message to all those fuckers who have been ass-kissing his feet when he was popular, then bashing him because that is now the current Hollywood trend, that he has always been a great actor and that he is not afraid to show to the whole wide world how he has more guts than them to present genuine stories and characters; instead of doing what they do for years. Which is to follow the latest mass trend and exploit it until the trend sheeps have had enough and are ready to toss out whatever they feel isn’t “In”.

So to all fans of Johnny Depp who want to see him performing a great role and a great story, then I strongly encourage you to see this film. And to all of you who want to see a movie that tackles terminal diseases, then this one is a must to watch.

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