Parasite Eve (パラサイト・イヴ) – Yoshihiko Maekawa (Designer) Hironobu Sakaguchi (坂口博信) (Producer) Takashi Tokita (坂口博信) (Writer and Director) Hideaki Sena (瀬名秀明) (Original Novel) and Square (スクウェア) (Developer)

“The Worst Foe Lies Within the Self” – Parasite Eve

When I discovered Playstation games for the first time, it was in 1998. Starting with the legendary classic Final Fantasy VII, then Parasite Eve. Game I had learnt about in comic book ads inside my Spiderman issues. Displaying fascinating gameplay concepts; where spontaneous combustion incidents involving two girls with the same powers, but with different evolutions and life perspectives, showdown each other. Intelligent storytelling that could only come from the astute studio who worked on Final Fantasy VII. So it motivated me to play the game.

And of it, what a classic of Japanese Horror and RPG we have here.

Set on Christmas holidays in 1997, from December 24 to the 30th, NYPD rookie Aya Brea and the New York services deal with a strange series of paranormal events. All starting at an Opera show Aya watched as audience member. Where the large majority of the audience burst into spontaneous combustion. Except her, who didn’t had any injuries, and whose body starts exhibiting strange powers after she encounters the person behind those combustions. An actress named Melissa Pierce, though she decides to call herself Eve. Name everyone shall refer to as this strange personality completely destroys Melissa’s. For the actress’s body transforms into a monstruous being. A floating parasite who claims that the Mitochondrias are ready to overthrow the nucleus, which refers to the human beings she compares to parasites. Following that encounter, other frightening events happen. Animals and insects mutating into mutants that slaughter passerbys, Central Park visitors melting into human flesh substance. A crisis that forces the New York city authorities to evacuate Manhattan. Turning the island into a ghost town. A platform for the upcoming war between Eve and Aya Brea, whose mitochondria powers stand a chance against the former and whose personal life hides secrets connected to what is happening.

As a story, the game is a sequel to the original novel Hideaki Sena published in 1995. Whose plot the game mentions and tries to connect into the story. With one Japanese character recounting to Aya and her cop partner Daniel what happened at the laboratory he was working at. Events that have some similitudes to those in the game. But not as wide-ranged and explosive as those in the game; which expand on an entire landscape. Manhattan and its landmarks. From Central Park and its zoo to Carnegie Hall, then the Museum of Natural History and its galleries, and neighborhoods like Soho and Chinatown. Making this Square Soft game their first adventure inside our modern urban setting. Where healing potions are pills and drug store medecines; and weapons/armors are firearms and bulletproof jackets. Adding a whole RPGesque perspective to our everyday life and reality.

Furthermore, there are no turn-based only gameplay during the fights as they occur on the same stage designs the characters walk around. Like in Kingdom Hearts, making Parasite Eve a pioneer as it generated a new way for RPGs to perform in surroundings that can be advantageous obstacles for players or their adversaries. And as the characters fight with firearms, they must make sure their attacks capture their enemies within the arm’s range and that they don’t waste their bullets. Fortunately, after each fights, new bullets are acquired. Still, the gameplay is made so that our reality’s surroundings and realistic rules are taken into account. Encouraging a new evolution in the conception of video games for future generations of consoles.

For its mature character designs, Tetsuya Nomura worked placed some fine parallels with his work on Final Fantasy VII. For Aya, the female version of Cloud Strife; her partner Daniel, an officer close in design to Barrett, while Melissa shares certain similarities with Aerith. Creating stronger connections between those two games as they deal with subtarennean forces trying to overthrow humanity’s status quo. With protagonists tormented by past demons that they confront once and for all.

A crucial highlight for Parasite Eve is the soundtrack. Composed by Yoko Shimomura, who worked on Street Fighter, Xenoblade Chronicles and Kingdom Hearts, its main theme, Primal Eyes, captivates audiences the instant we hear its building dramatic in the opening credits. A music that implies of internal powers bubbling up in anger and expanding into an explosive crescendo. Especially with the song U.B. as a specific Boss slowly evolves into more powerful figures during its fight and its powers/appearances give players goosebumps. The composer also offers impressive opera work, such as Melissa’s song Se Il Mio Amore Sta Vincino, whose lyrics are absent in the game. Although I do know there is lyrical version in the soundtrack’s album release. Beautiful Italian lyrics that makes me wish Shimomura would produce such opera one day.

Of course, this game is meant for a mature audience. Both for its complicated storytelling, but also in its horror effects. Especially the spontaneous combustion that occurs during an Opera scene. For even decades after its release, the scene still shocks players as innocent people are caught in that firghtening mItochondria attack. And seeing these poor spectators powerless makes it all tragic as they are innocent figures who wanted to enjoy Christmas. And with the abandoned New York City, it leaves a sight as sinister as back when in 2001, the island was evacuated following the September Eleven incidents.

In conclusion, even if the gameplay mechanics and graphic designs have evolved tremendously since 1998, what Parasite Eve presents is one of the most amazing RPGs I have ever played. A modern setting narrative that combines efficient and frightening horror movie thrills and twists. Alongside an action gameplay that will delight fans of classics like Resident Evil. Who can welcome next to them this jewel that players can still play on their Playstation 3 and Playstation Portable and which I hope we will get PC versions one day.

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