Slayers Next (スレイヤーズNEXT) – Hajime Kanzaka (神坂 一) (Original Creator), Takashi Watanabe (渡部 高志) (Director), and J.C Staff, TV Tokyo, and Soft X (Production Companies)

Superb Second Arc to the Series Slayers

In Slayers‘ precedent arc, we were introduced to the main characters of that series. How the sorceress Lina Inverse, the swordsman and bodyguard Gourry Gabriev, the justice champion Amelia Wil Tesla Seyruun, the magician-swordsfighter Zelgadis Greywords, and the white priestess Sylphiel Nels Lahda stopped the diabolical Copy of Red Priest Rezo from destroying their world. Where, after that adventure, they set off for another one. One we do not see as the Slayers NEXT arc begins several months later. Presenting another quest.

The Search for the Claire Bible, incredible magic tome which Lina Inverse hopes to obtain as it could enrich her witchcraft with new spells. Search she does accompanied by Gourry, then with Zelgadis and Amelia presences; joining them following certain events in the first episode. And as the Claire Bible research occurs, Lina and her friends realize that other forces are searching for that item. Whilst trying to kill her as well. For reasons she attempts to elucidate. Realizing very soon that important demons serving the evil Shabranigdoo are behind this; including dangerous antagonists more evil than Copy Rezo.

Something the second arc of Slayers explores so well. For apart the comedic episodes and plotlines, Slayers Next presents more dramatic situations and emotions. Such as Lina having her powers sealed up following a certain antagonist’s attack. Forcing her to find new tools to improve her magic and she obtains talismans that allows her to cast magic, then empowers her to cast more powerful spells after everything is solved. And when she does meet an important entity, she realizes the Giga Slave attack’s dangers. Whereas with another figure, dramatic revelations will disrupt the team and create another tension. Resulting in an excellent finale that I will not reveal, but ups the Slayers’ storytelling. Proving that a series can upgrade its game even after an excellent season.

Which they did further in its animation. Improving the artwork with warmer and appealing color palette. Closer to an endless Summer; more appropriate for Slayers Next‘ comedic nature and heroic fantasy atmosphere. And that the show was broadcasted a year after the first arc’s end was great because it allowed the team to be attentive in the artwork, backdrops, and animation. For normally, some anime, such as Toei’s, are released weekly. Which is fine for the audience’s interest, but stressful for artists that have to produce weekly results under incredible pressure, affecting the art and sometimes the storytelling quality. But here, not the case. We have 26 episodes well written and well animated; set around stunning backgrounds and superb character designs. Including excellent new characters. Notably Xellos, a mysterious magician that trails down the Slayers’ search for the Claire Bible. Never revealing his motives as he always says “That Is A Secret!“. But as episodes go on, we learn a new angle to his ambivalent nature. In sum, a mysterious protagonist whose powers in dramatic situations are as surprising as his comedic moments during funny scenes.

For comedy is still present during Slayers Next. And hilarious they are. Especially between Gourry and Lina, but also Amelia and Zelgadis as they are together right from the start. And their character dynamics improve further the storyline compared to the first arc. For as written in my precedent review, each Slayers character has different values, qualities, and flaws. So together, they spark up situations, actions, and reactions that make the funny moments funnier and the dramatic ones more impressive. And if for Sylphyll’s case, she appears much later in the series, it is at the right moment for her immature and whiny personality would have been less appropriate for the earlier episodes’ storylines. In her place, we have a new anti-hero. The Princess Martina Zoana Mel Navratilova. Princess of the Zoana monarchy. Whose castle was crushed by Lina Inverse at the beginning of the series; so we see her attempting to murder Lina with curses. Appearing during important ordeals, or creating episodic conflicts sparking hilarious comedic situations. Especially between Gourry and Lina.

As for that duo, their relationship grows up beautifully. Especially during the final episodes. Which is wonderful the characters have grown together and displayed conflicting personality, but care for each other. And with what we see forewarned in the opening credits and in the final episodes, fans can expect some great surprises.

Finally, the music is as epic as ever, employing both tunes from the first series and new ones. Great compositions from Osamu Tezuka, again not the author of Tetsuwan Atom. And if you have a chance to purchase the soundtrack on Amazon Japan or CD Japan, do so. You won’t be disappointed.

In conclusion, Slayers Next is an even better arc for the Slayers Universe than the first part. Dramatic, moving, and funny, it presents a classic of heroic fantasy which every fan of the genre and neophytes will enjoy.

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