Ikiru (生きる/To Live) – Akira Kurosawa (黒澤明) (Director and co-writer), Shinobu Hashimoto (橋本忍) (Co-writer), Hideo Oguni (小國英雄) (Co-writer), and Leon Tolstoy (original novella)

"I don't know what I've been doing with my life all these years." - Kanji Watanabe Among Akira Kurosawa's filmography, his motion picture Ikiru is considered one of his masterpieces. It stars Takashi Shimura, one of his frequent cast participants, performing the role of a business man who lives his last months the best way … Continue reading Ikiru (生きる/To Live) – Akira Kurosawa (黒澤明) (Director and co-writer), Shinobu Hashimoto (橋本忍) (Co-writer), Hideo Oguni (小國英雄) (Co-writer), and Leon Tolstoy (original novella)

Seven Samurai (七人の侍) – Akira Kurosawa (黒澤明) (director and co-writer), Shinobu Hashimoto (橋本忍) (co-writer), and Hideo Oguni (小国英雄) (co-writer)

"Danger always strikes when everything seems fine." - Kambei Shimada Anybody who claims to be a fan of Akira Kurosawa and his incredible movies needs to see Seven Samurai. Lasting over 3 hours, this movie remains a pinacle not only of his filmography, but also a masterpiece of Japanese Cinema. One of the best productions … Continue reading Seven Samurai (七人の侍) – Akira Kurosawa (黒澤明) (director and co-writer), Shinobu Hashimoto (橋本忍) (co-writer), and Hideo Oguni (小国英雄) (co-writer)